Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"Everyone who got where he is has had to begin where he was." - Robert Louis Stevenson

As I look back on my accomplishments I realize that nothing went according to plan. Which is weird! Because I'm big on plans. I like to know where I'm going, what I'm doing and what time I have to be there lol. So, that in mind, I've decided to start a bucket list. It will get longer as time goes by but you've gotta start somewhere, right?

The List

1. Find the man that completes me. The one that accepts me and gets my stupid jokes. The one who quotes movies as often as I do. That man.

2. Bare, birth and raise children.

3. Spend a week in Washington DC and take my time.

4. Attend a Reba concert.

5. Write a book based on my life. And by that I mean it will not be an auto biography. There will be characters.

6. Learn to cook like my mother.

7. Dance in the rain.

8. Train myself to go to church at least once a week.

9. Tell Jacob's mom exactly what I think about her.

10. Do stand-up comedy.

11. Visit someone in prison.

12. Jump into a pool fully clothed.

13. Throw someone a surprise party.

14. Keep a diary.

15. Pick up reading.

16. Kiss a stranger.

17. Smoke a Cuban cigar.

18. Take a train to Alaska.

19. Go an entire year without soda.

20. Host a family reunion that everyone comes to.

21. Protest.

22. Have a pet pig.

23. Purchase a designer purse.

24. Make a toast in a bar.

25. Visit all 50 states.

26. Save someone's life.

27. Attend a super bowl.

28. Develop a hobby.

29. Have a relationship with my grandfather.

30. Meet Tom Hanks.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Men these days!

I was recently watching a movie from 1967 and realized that chivalry is completely dead. What happened to men addressing us ladies as 'miss' and 'ma'am'? Now all you hear is 'woman' this and 'bitch' that. Why must they think that being such pigs is tolerable? Not only do women allow them to do so but you see 15 year old girls proud to say that they are 'his bitch'. Do these kids really think that it is a term of endearment? Come on! Just once, when a guy is texting me, I would love for him to say, 'Would you like to go out on a date with me?'. Contrary to my wishes, the usual text reads, 'Hey, we should uhhh hang out ;)'. Pardon me, but a winking face after an extended 'uh' is grounds for me to assume that you are labeling me as promiscuous. Seriously? Do I look like I run down the streets screaming 'I'M A FLOOZY!' I think not. So, why do they assume so? Is it all girls? Am I being put into the 'easy' folder because I'm queen sized? Well, let's set the record straight. I have morals AND standards. I don't jump into the arms of every man that comes around. I respect myself more than that. I will openly say that in the past and my younger days I would willingly bow down and worship any guy that would show me the slightest bit of attention. However, I'm a different person now. I love who I am/who I've become. I don't know that girl anymore. I am woman, hear me roar (had to throw that in there).
Love yourself for yourself. :)